Think about what you could expect from a custom power adapter. Get advice from experts in this field. Research shows that domestic power adapters were invented during the 1880s. T.T Smith, an Englishman, is believed to be the one who invented the plugs around 1883. You may be wondering why you cannot use NEMA power cords in different countries and why they only work in the U.S. This is because the company which manufactured NEMA cords was founded to be used only in North America, at the volts that they service. Some other countries may have borrowed these specifications that are derived from North America, because they do not have the same technology for themselves. If you’d like to get additional power with your outlets, custom power cables can be a great alternative. The power cord’s amperage provided by customized power cord business experts can be as high as 15 amps. A D-rop down power outlet is an additional option that may be employed to power even in places that are difficult to access. lhqx9t8p2o.